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How Mercury is enabling Cubic’s training and simulation systems.



The client, Cubic Corporation, supplies realistic live combat and virtual training systems for military forces. 它最近的一些项目需要将许多不同的位置和模拟交叉起来,以创建一个多角色模拟. 通过将这些连接在一起创建一个虚拟战区,Cubic能够提供一个真正现实的场景,增强作战能力和任务准备. In this application the Mercury system 主要设计用于容纳无线电,并通过IP将许多无线电会议和分析工作站连接在一起. 该系统最终是可扩展的,允许扩展以容纳任意数量的工作站. 在这种情况下,水星是初始基地仪器训练系统(I-HITS)和阿拉斯加训练靶场进化计划(ATREP)项目的一项使能技术.

Cubic – background

Cubic公司国防和安全集团为军队和虚拟训练系统提供逼真的实战训练系统, advanced laser technology and transportation security systems. Cubic的国防通信业务为“C4ISR”应用提供搜索和救援航空电子设备、战术数据链和监视接收器. Cubic’s government services businesses provide live, virtual and constructive training services for defense and security agencies, as well as force modernization, battle command training and education, weapons effects modeling, and maritime security services.

The Challenge

Cubic公司在过去几年中开发了许多新的模拟和培训亚洲最大体育平台,这些亚洲最大体育平台产生了通过IP网络在多个位置之间传递无线电通信的需求. 设计的灵活性和可扩展性是该系统的关键驱动因素,因为它需要适应和发展到军事许多分支的模拟需求.

该系统提出的挑战是,许多操作员需要能够收听16个无线电会议的任何组合,每个会议有任何数量的参与无线电. Every operator needs the capability to speak to any radio, listen to any radio and hear any other operator who speaks. 这必须以这样一种方式完成,即可用IP通道的数量永远不会完全用完,从而确保这些说和听路由始终可用.

The system must operate with the operators using Push-To-Talk (PTT) to speak to a radio,  他们还必须在任何时候都有“飞行安全”的侧音(见解释)和所有通信, speak and listen must be recorded.

The Solution

Trilogy’s solution has a number of independent systems linked together, 每个系统包括一个MIU,通常在它们自己的会议上容纳16个无线电和一些操作员工作站. 每个工作站由一台PC或笔记本电脑组成,通过全长PCI卡或USB适配器运行虚拟控制面板. The 16 radios hosted by each MIU equipped with either a E&M (Ear & 口板)和AEB(音频扩展板)卡或RIB卡(无线电扩展板)可以位于几乎任何地理位置,不需要彼此靠近. The signals are instead passed back to a central MIU through third party E&M equipment.

Each workstation’s virtual panel hosts up to 16 radio conferences, the exact number being determined by the number of radio’s connected to the system. 由于对系统上的操作人员数量没有限制,传统的多播环境可能会耗尽DSP. 因此,系统已被特别配置为将每个无线电会议分成发言会议和收听会议,其中所有发言活动被聚合,然后重新传输到收听会议. This means that the number of channels remains static and therefore remains constant.

操作员工作站总是有一个通道设置监听,这意味着只要一个工作站初始化,那么所有的无线电会议都对多播流量开放. 所有会议都设置为通过“调光”显示音频的存在,无论该会议是否实际上正在收听,尽管所有初始化的会议都是由Stancil录音机记录的.

在这个应用程序中,所有的说话功能都是通过使用PTT (Push To Talk)开关来实现的,该开关要么连接到工作站的串行端口,要么在最新的设备配置中连接到PCI卡或USB适配器的GPI.

该系统的最后一个关键要素是提供“飞行侧翼安全”,这对Cubic至关重要,因为这些是军事力量的实时战斗和虚拟训练系统. 该系统提供可配置的“飞行侧翼安全”,用户可以管理它被送到哪只耳朵, at what volume and for how long.

“Safety of flight sidetone”

To assure themselves that their voices are being transmitted correctly, 控制人员对着耳机麦克风说话,耳机通过一系列多路通信设备将声音发送回控制人员的耳机,这是一种被称为“空中侧音”的设施.”

When controllers hear their own voices in their headphones, 他们更有信心知道他们的设备在运转,他们的声音能传达给飞行员. Without the sidetone facility controllers might shout, as if speaking into a telephone without hearing your own voice.

Source:; The Swanwick air traffic control centre “sidetone” problem, 01/272000

Key Challenges
  • RoIP – The system must connect separate radio networks over IP
  • 实时通信-无论参与者的数量如何,信息流都应该没有延迟
  • Reliability – critical applications require robust, proven solutions
Key Features of the Trilogy System
  • Simple, scalable solution
  • Full interoperability between all types and bands of radio
  • Push-To-Talk (PTT) functionality
  • Provision of ‘safety of flight’ side tone
  • Mercury is a field proven, COTS product with installations around the globe
Equipment Used
  • Mercury Interface Units with either E&M and Audio Expansion (AEB) boards or Radio Interface Boards (RIB) fitted
  • Full Length PCI cards
  • 16 Channel DSP Expansion Boards
  • Mercury USB Adaptors
  • Stancil recorders
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What is Red Flag?

RED FLAG is an advanced aerial combat training exercise hosted at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada and Eielson Air Force Base Alaska. Since 1975, air crew from the United States Air Force (USAF) and other U.S. 军事部门和盟国参加了演习,每次持续时间为六周.

The Red Flag exercises, conducted in four-to-six cycles a year by the 414th Combat Training Squadron of the 57th Wing, are very realistic aerial war games. The purpose is to train pilots from the U.S., NATO and other allied countries for real combat situations. 这包括在内华达测试和训练靶场内使用“敌方”硬件和实弹进行轰炸演习.