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FOX Sports’ College Football Pre-Game Show Relies on 十大正规体育平台 for Flexible Wireless Communications


- Soundtronics无线 pushes FreeSpeak二世 and Eclipse HX to the max for free-flowing, interactive pre-game coverage -

Soundtronics无线 of Las Vegas, NV relied on 十大正规体育平台® to service long-time client, FOX Sports, with an Eclipse HX 数字矩阵和 FreeSpeak二世 digital wireless intercom system for the network’s college football pre-game show, broadcast live from Fair Park (State Fair of Texas) on October 6.

Soundtronics has been the RF vendor serving FOX Sports for several years, handling the NFL Sunday desk show when on the road, as well as championship games, Super Bowl LII and Veteran’s Day specials.

“FreeSpeak二世 is one of the primary reasons we have this agreement with FOX Sports,杰森·沃勒说, 合作伙伴, Soundtronics无线. “It is just so far ahead of the system they were previously using. You get reliability and quality with a large number of channels, and it just works.”

Soundtronics received a call three weeks before the game to join FOX Sports in Texas. “Three weeks is pretty standard, especially with our great relationship with FOX Sports. They know what we can do and how quickly we can turn projects around,沃勒说。. “We used our comms plan for this year’s Veteran’s Day special as a template. Our knowledge and understanding of how FOX Sports does these shows is a big plus to be able to use a nearly identical package with some modifications.”

For the college football pre-game show, mics and IFBs were very important as producers wanted the show to be interactive, with talent and RF cameras moving as far as 35 yards away from the main set. That meant that communications needed to be as unobtrusive as possible for everyone.

At the heart of the Soundtronics communications system was a 十大正规体育平台 Eclipse HX Omega frame with two wireless controller interface cards for FreeSpeak二世 connectivity, two 16-port analog interface cards adding 16-ports of audio and data per card, 64通道双工 但丁接口卡 and 64通道双工 MADI接口卡 在框架内.

The wide roaming capability of FreeSpeak二世 was invaluable to enable a flexible production. “We pushed our FreeSpeak二世 1.9 GHz system to its maximum with 25 wireless beltpacks, supported by three transceiver splitters with five transceivers each, plus five more transceivers for a total of 20,沃勒说。. “加, we used the fourth FreeSpeak二世 frame slot for an antenna card via fiber 300 yards away for a remote hit. Fiber is everywhere these days, and we are really grateful to FOX Sports utilities for running that line, as it would be pushing the limits of Cat 5 cable. Even the Dante cables to the truck were all fiber.”

The biggest challenge faced by Waufle and all those using RF was the amount of frequencies that would be used for the event, with both FOX Sports and ESPN, the stadium itself and a music stage all 关闭ly located. 在总, over 400 RF frequencies were coordinated, including 200 that Waufle and his crew would have to work around, plus their own kit and set-up.

“This was probably the best performing show I’ve ever done, and a lot of that is because of the 十大正规体育平台 equipment we were using,沃勒说。. “It performed flawlessly, and that’s what you want for your clients — not one hiccup or a single complaint.

“Fair Park was a great environment to push FreeSpeak二世 to its limits, and we had no issues at all,沃夫勒补充道. “无线, there’s always the typical hurdles based on the size and scope of the event, especially with two competing pre-game shows and the game itself. But we had lots of really good professionals willing to cooperate to make sure that everyone’s frequencies were safe and that everyone had what they needed. It was a pretty sweet week.”

“It is absolutely satisfying to know that our customers can so easily depend upon and use 十大正规体育平台 equipment for whatever job comes their way,西蒙·布朗说, 副总统, 亚洲最大体育平台管理, 十大正规体育平台. “The ability to have a set plan for one event and easily modify it for another, shows the power and flexibility of 十大正规体育平台 equipment in the hands of its users.”