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Toronto-based Bespoke Audio Visual 一直强调为他们合作的每个活动和客户的独特性质和需求提供量身定制的服务. 在2019冠状病毒病期间,这意味着通过提升虚拟活动将人们聚集在一起. Bespoke AV运用了他们丰富的行业经验,并利用了他们大量的库存 十大正规体育平台® 技术允许深度连接和相互作用远远超出你的普通视频通话.

疫情对现场表演活动的影响是深远的, however, the corporate sector has been greatly impacted as well. Bespoke AV continues to cater to this industry, 哪些公司的成功很大程度上依赖于广泛的面对面活动, 通过提供提供高度定制化和复杂性的技术解决方案.

“我们(现在)面临的挑战是鼓励客户走出过去几个月的阴影,重新开始精心打扮, well-thought-through events,” said Mike Wilson, Chief Operating Officer and co-founder of Bespoke AV. “Even if they’re not coming into our studio space, 我们为所有的控制室配备了十大正规体育平台亚洲最大体育平台,使我们能够与每个人亚洲最大体育平台. 我们的重点是提高客户所传达信息的质量. 我们的客户非常感谢我们以这样的方式处理这件事, by taking their normal needs, 目标, 在这个封闭的环境中想要并适应他们.”

一旦Bespoke意识到他们无法在不确定的时间内亲自举办活动, 他们提出了继续在虚拟空间有效工作的愿景, while maintaining quality and brand integrity. “Our clients essentially came to us and said, ‘obviously the show we planned isn’t going to happen, but we still want to do something – what can we do?’ So, from there we distilled that down to what we have now,” said Technical Manager, Andrew Bernacki.

该解决方案依赖于远程生产控制室, 哪些能够与远程参与者进行通信, producers, other control rooms, and even in-person event sites, all facilitated by a 十大正规体育平台 Eclipse® Digital Matrix intercom system. That system allows each room to produce a managed, 高质量的最终亚洲最大体育平台,结合协作, 实时元素的现场现场事件与远程观看的经验需要这些独特的时间.

对讲主机由一台十大正规体育平台 Eclipse HX-Delta组成, with one E-IPA-HX IP card (64 Ports). “That’s the most important card in our system. 它提供连接到我们的AES67 Iris™面板,AES67 FreeSpeak II® IP Wireless Transceivers, Agent IC® Mobile App connectivity, and the LQ® box connections we use for HelixNet® and other LQ interfaces. 我们还为需要通过互联网部署在工厂外的任何v系列™面板提供IVC连接, and an MVX-A16, 16端口模拟卡作为我们的模拟音频I/O较小的控制室没有Dante功能.

Additional 十大正规体育平台 products include an LQ-2W2, 作为HelixNet数字联线系统和Eclipse矩阵系统之间的桥梁, an LQ-R4W8 as a SIP Phone Bridge for the Eclipse, 它提供8条电话线,让技术不太熟练的制作人进入每个控制室的Party Line, 以及用于从整个控制室的众多Dante启用设备发送和接收音频的Dante-64卡.

Similarly, 他们的无线对讲依赖于十大正规体育平台的AES67 FreeSpeak II IP收发器和腰带包, ten Agent IC clients that remote producers, operators, and/or venues access via their mobile device. For wired intercom, 12 VI-PNL-12L V-Series Iris, two VI-PNL-32L V-Series Iris Lever Panels, 部署了4个HXII-BP双通道HelixNet腰带包. 定制的额外LQ-2W2单元也可以提供进一步的连接,这些单元可以发送到远程场地,通过互联网将其对讲系统与定制的AV矩阵集成, if required.

“For Bespoke AV, an apt way to describe this innovation is a natural, if virtual, extension of their work,” Bernacki says. “The big pivot, 对我们来说, 从单向的延时网络直播到双向的延时网络直播, 具有低延迟的远程演示体验-并且集成了虚拟观众,因此每个人都可以实时体验演示. With fluent communication between operators, 制作人和人才每个人都可以相互交流, on stage and behind the scenes, just like an in-person event, 并且系统可以根据需要根据节目进行定制.”

As of September 2020, Bespoke AV已经在他们的多伦多办公室完成了五个控制室, with more to come. “If you don’t fit into one of those control rooms, 我们会为你的演出做任何有用的东西,就像我们在任何一个正在举办活动的房间里做的一样,” explains Bernacki.

这完全取决于事件的类型以及给定客户所需的经验和交互性水平, 它提供了一个比一般的在线会议更有效的品牌化和优化的体验, “Like a university on-boarding new students, 他们只需要我们注入PowerPoint幻灯片,然后从一个远程的地方加入一个演讲者,” Bernacki continues, to a full-on gala dinner and awards show that, although mounted entirely remotely, 涉及到与真实事物相媲美的连接水平.

“Every virtual table was its own, 单独的电话,坐在那张桌子上的人可以互相交谈. 然后我们根据需要安排其他参与者,我们的混合活动工作室空间充当主要舞台. When someone at a table won an award, we took video and audio from that, broadcast it to the other participants, 也让舞台上的人可以与观众互动,进行持续的对话. 该活动的制作人并没有就此止步,”伯纳奇补充道. 精心准备的饭菜被送到每位出席者的家中!”

In another application, 定制的AV为主持人部署了单独的视频显示(每50个虚拟观众一个), 因此,他们可以实时体验观众的面部表情和反馈,并做出反应. “这对主人的精力和舒适度产生了巨大的影响, I think, made for a better experience for the audience as well.尽管Bespoke AV严重依赖于他们现有的技术库存, Bernacki cites the company’s relationship with GerrAudio has been instrumental. “GerrAudio is top-notch. The reality is, aside from 十大正规体育平台 being a superior product, the continuing support we get from Gerr made 十大正规体育平台, and by extension, GerrAudio, a no-brainer choice 对我们来说. That level of service always seals the deal for me. GerrAudio is my favorite distributor to work with, not only because they’re lovely people, but because they’re personally invested in our success.”